The Growing Rift Between Germany and the United States

I previously wrote about how T-Mobile could easily leave the US out in the cold as far as supplying communications technology in “World Strife, Israel at War, Germany Distances From USA Yet Again, What Is the Solution?“, where I noted that they ended a Verizon contract after concerns when they…

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Prophetic News Watch: Scottish Independence Referendum Voted Down

I’ve had but a little interest in the goings on in Scotland with the recent vote for independence from the UK.  However, I stress “little” for a good reason.  Either way, the UK is weakened, and that is the real point.

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Russia in Bible Prophecy

  US Sec’y of State Hillary Clinton and Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych at Munich conference in 2012 Photo by Frank Plitt, used under CCA-SA (CNN) – Secretary of State John Kerry on Sunday sharply denounced Russian President Vladimir Putin’s “stunning, willful” actions in Crimea, characterizing the move as an “invasion”…

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Wars Happen

I want to get this off my chest before the week is out. Political Idolatry I have asked the question before “Politics: The New Religion?” It seems that this ideological bent even pervades the world’s churches. I go to a Church of God (COG), and so I don’t know what…

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