The 4 Women of Revelation

Sometimes, we get so caught up in things that over time our terminology and use of words becomes downright sloppy.  It obfuscates the clear meaning of Scripture, and I believe it is one of the major tools that Satan uses to deceive people.  We must stand above the fray.

Perhaps you have heard that there are two women in the Book of Revelation.  However, I count at least four!  Who are they?  What significance are they?  What are they symbols of?

I would suggest that the answers are staring us right in the face, but so many in the Church of God, elders included, have lapsed into sloppy thinking rather than allowing the Bible to interpret itself in a clear manner.

The 4 Women of Revelation, Part 1: Who or What Are They, and Who or What Aren’t They?

In order to properly understand prophecy, there must be line upon line and precept upon precept, so it is critical to understand The 4 Women of Revelation, Part 2: Women as Symbols in OT Prophecy

We can then use that knowledge to directly apply to The 4 Women of Revelation, Part 3: The Third Woman of the Book of Revelation.  That woman is a direct and stark contrast to The 4 Women of Revelation, Part 4: The Fourth Woman of the Book of Revelation.

This sets the stage for examining The 4 Women of Revelation, Part 5: The Second Woman of the Book of Revelation.

However, that might not yet settle it.  There is the matter of the “Jerusalem which is above”.  Some say Paul was saying the Church is our mother.  So, the last part is The 4 Women of Revelation, Conclusion: Is the Church Your Mother?

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