Author: John D
Where are you now?
Plagues of Egypt
Our friends from down under have produced a video online course about the Plagues of Egypt. I’m sure it will be interesting to all. Standard disclaimer: I am not affiliated with Common Faith Academy, and this is not to be considered a wholehearted endorsement of all beliefs represented (and indeed…
Not Discerning the Lord’s Body
Feast Greetings to All
Aloha! We are having a wonderful Feast of Tabernacles here in a pretty exotic location. Travel restrictions made the journey… well… interesting. Made it we did, though, and in no small part because of the grace of God interfering with the plans of our common foe. Tom from “down under”…
Grace and Law
New Videos From Down Under
Firstly, I apologize. I thought for sure I had already posted these videos. Here are two new ones from our friends in Australia, albeit in a different organization (do I really have to put these disclaimers?).