How to Interpret the Bible, Part 5: Literal Interpretation Does Not Mean Lack of Symbols or Poetry

  Page from French Psalter Another point to keep in mind has to do with the kind of biblical literature we are dealing with when seeking to interpret a passage. The Bible contains a variety of genres or styles of writing ranging from the overtly poetic, such as the Psalms,…

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Can Cognitive Dissonance Explain the False Equating of Keeping the Commandments to Love?

“Moses with the Ten Commandments” Original painting by Rembrandt Is a car an automobile?  Careful how you answer. I like to think about things and put them in logical categories, but there is always a danger in doing so.  A few months back, Seth Godin wrote “Your first mistake might…

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The Lie of Dispensationalism, Part 3: The Law from Moses to Jesus

Dispensationalism, the idea that there are different ages in which God works differently with people through time, sounds good on the surface.  However, it does begin to break down when analyzed closely.  The Law is only one area where changes are claimed to have been made, but it is usually…

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