How to Interpret the Bible, Conclusion: The Hard-Hearted Need Not Apply, and the Hard-Hearted Example of Cooking on the Sabbath

7 But if ye had known what this meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice, ye would not have condemned the guiltless. 8 For the Son of man is Lord even of the sabbath day. ~ Mt 12:7-8 I have now published the introduction to this series as a…

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How to Interpret the Bible, Part 7: Perspicuity, and You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know

Sometimes a little clarity is needed Image courtesy of Jeroen van Oostrom / The doctrine of the clarity of Scripture (often called the “perspicuity of Scripture”) teaches that “the meanings of the text can be clear to the ordinary reader, that God uses the text of the Bible to…

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How to Interpret the Bible, Part 6: Use the Smell Test

If it looks like a duck, Swims like a duck, And quacks like a duck, Then it probably is a duck. ~ “The duck test”, a common saying This is part 6 of the series “How to Interpret the Bible“, so if you have not yet read the introduction, you should…

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How to Interpret the Bible, Part 5: Literal Interpretation Does Not Mean Lack of Symbols or Poetry

  Page from French Psalter Another point to keep in mind has to do with the kind of biblical literature we are dealing with when seeking to interpret a passage. The Bible contains a variety of genres or styles of writing ranging from the overtly poetic, such as the Psalms,…

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How to Interpret the Bible, Part 4: Pay Attention to Whom Is Being Addressed

Be sure who is being addressed, or the message will go to the wrong person Photo credit: withassociates via photopin cc This is part 4 of the series “How to Interpret the Bible“, so if you have not yet read the introduction, you should do so.  Likewise, we have already covered…

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How to Interpret the Bible, Part 3: Context, Context and Context

A Swedish buffet with mostly desserts Photo by Dorina Andress (Eberswalde), used under CCASA license Don’t believe me, believe your Bible!  Believe God! ~ Herbert W Armstrong This is part 3 of the series “How to Interpret the Bible“, so if you have not yet read the introduction, you should do…

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How to Interpret the Bible, Part 2: Standard Definitions Don’t Depend on What the Meaning of the Word “Is” Is

Chinglish sign on train; I have no idea what that means Photo by Gaius Cornelius 3 Some may deny these things, but they are the sound, wholesome teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ and are the foundation for a godly life. 4 Anyone who says anything different is both proud…

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Sex and the Bible, Part 4: “The Gay Gospel?” by Joe Dallas, a Resource for Those Who Need to Know More

  “Nothing is so easy as to deceive oneself; for what we wish, we readily believe.” DEMOSTHENES (384–322 BC I remember clearly, and with inexpressible regret, the day I convinced myself it was acceptable to be both gay and Christian. Thus begins the testimony of a man who had risen…

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Sex and the Bible, Part 3: The Bible Is Inconsistent Because People Behave Badly

  “Lot prevents violence against the angels” Original by Aldegrever, 1555 [Updated 23 November 2013] According to the standard outlined above, gang rape would definitely relabeled as abominable and perverse. Even so, what does “righteous” Lot do next? He offers his own virgin daughters to divert the mobsters away from…

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The Generation of Jesus Christ (aka “What Was Matthew Thinking?”)

  An example of a genealogy chart 24 And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done unto him. 25 And he said, Cursed be Canaan [his grandson, not his son]; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren. 26 And he said,…

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