The Myth Called Science

John Lithgow plays Dr Emilio Lizardo in The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Dr Lizardo is a human scientist possessed by an alien exiled from the 8th dimension The ignorance often displayed by people claiming to be educated, logical and reasonable is often astounding.  Even more astounding is claiming to be…

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How to Interpret the Bible, Part 6: Use the Smell Test

If it looks like a duck, Swims like a duck, And quacks like a duck, Then it probably is a duck. ~ “The duck test”, a common saying This is part 6 of the series “How to Interpret the Bible“, so if you have not yet read the introduction, you should…

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When Is a Fallacy not a Fallacy? (aka “Have You Stopped Beating Your Wife Yet?”)

  NBA Commissioner David Stern, 13 April 2007 Picture by Cody Mulcahy Have you stopped beating your wife yet? ~ David Stern in an interview with Jim Rome The loaded question — we’ve all heard examples of these.  Make no mistake about it, it is a logical fallacy.  However, like all…

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