Sex and the Bible, Part 4: “The Gay Gospel?” by Joe Dallas, a Resource for Those Who Need to Know More

  “Nothing is so easy as to deceive oneself; for what we wish, we readily believe.” DEMOSTHENES (384–322 BC I remember clearly, and with inexpressible regret, the day I convinced myself it was acceptable to be both gay and Christian. Thus begins the testimony of a man who had risen…

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Sex and the Bible, Part 3: The Bible Is Inconsistent Because People Behave Badly

  “Lot prevents violence against the angels” Original by Aldegrever, 1555 [Updated 23 November 2013] According to the standard outlined above, gang rape would definitely relabeled as abominable and perverse. Even so, what does “righteous” Lot do next? He offers his own virgin daughters to divert the mobsters away from…

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Sex and the Bible, Part 2: It Is Not Good That the Man Should Be Alone

  “The Garden of Eden” by Thomas Cole 16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: ~ 2Ti 3:16 Do you believe the above?  Really?  I would suggest that if you do not, you need to…

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Sex and the Bible, Part 1: Twisted Scripture, Heresy & Calling Christians to Account

… because of the way the Bible is written anybody can prove anything from it. ~ [redacted] I have stated before that when my parents began attending the Worldwide Church of God (WCG) in the 1970s, when I at first I would hear references to “Mr Armstrong” then I thought they…

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