Today’s List

Let’s see … What to have for breakfast Church splits Lindsay Lohan The economy Tiger Woods Elena Kagan Blackberries being banned HP and sexual harrassment Leon Walker and Latin America It isn’t that some of these aren’t important.  In fact, like many things in life, the longer I neglect to…

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UCG Proclaims Fast For Church

I’ve been really busy the past couple of days, so I’m playing catch-up.  I see that the United Church of God, an International Association (UCGia or UCG for short) has proclaimed a fast for the Church on the weekend of 21 – 22 August.  Members may decide on fasting either…

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Modern Phariseeism

Is attitude important?  Which is better: Doing the right thing for the wrong reason, or doing the wrong thing for the right reason? I was thinking about something the other day, when I listened to a message on the Beatitudes.  In relation to what Jesus taught, the parable of the…

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