Don’t Underestimate Your Ability To Do Good

Something happened to me yesterday to remind me of God’s goodness.  It was a bit of encouragement that came in a very timely fashion.

Afterwards, I sat down and contemplated the situation.  I was reminded of what Jesus said about giving a cup of cold water to one of His disciples.  A cup of water!  Not a million gallons, not a rushing river, but merely a cup of cold water.

The widow who gave 2 mites did not give a lot, but to her it was everything.  What if she had assumed that her 2 mites weren’t worth anything at all?  What if she had assumed that there is no way her 2 mites could help out anyone or anything?

God gives us the ability to generate wealth (Dt 8:17-18), that is, the ability to acquire what we need.  Notice God requires 10% off the top.  The rich don’t give more, and the poor don’t give less in proportion.  It isn’t the amount in relationship to someone else.  It isn’t the amount in the size of the stack of dollar bills.

God gives us things so we can bless others.  Some of those people we will be related to, but some will not be.  It isn’t the amount that matters.  It’s the attitude with which we share it.  Is it selfless?  Is it kind?  Or, is it in order to get something in return?  Is it begrudgingly given?

I get a daily Scripture via email.  Guess which one was for today?

If you give even a cup of cold water to one of the least of my followers, you will surely be rewarded. Matthew 10:42 (NLT)

My guess is that I was mean to share this today.

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