What Could Kill the Church?

Death.  Not a fun topic. Death has been on my mind lately.  All people die.  All animals die.  All plants die.  Death really is part of life.  All living things die, right? Well, all physical living things die.  However, we say that the Church is a spiritual organism.  So, can…

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Dr Laura Stepping Down

Dr Laura Schlessinger is stepping down, according to today’s The Washington Post article “‘Dr. Laura’ to end radio show over racial controversy”.  Apparently, she yesterday called a caller to her program “hypersensitive” because the caller’s neighbor used racial slurs towards the caller.  Dr Laura then went on to describe how…

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Jesus Christ’s Church

Prevail Magazine often has some interesting articles. I think this week, with some focusing upon the state of the Church, the article “Jesus Christ is Building an Organization” is of particular interest. Also, perhaps you have heard by now of Dennis Luker’s video sermon, “God’s Sovereignty in the Church and…

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