United We Stand, Divided We Fall

Today is July 4th, also known as “Independence Day” in the US.  While I would like to speak of the United States today, I think there are some lessons that can be applied to another group called “United” as well. Undoubtedly, you have often heard the expression, “United we stand,…

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Odds & Ends In the News

Some things that haven’t completely slipped under the radar of current events include news on the Euro, Thailand, a UK preacher arrested for “abusive or insulting language” and, of course, Texas textbooks. Oh! I almost forgot about the Gospel According to Glenn Beck. The Euro Greece is just a symptom…

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“Cable News Thinking”

Seth Godin wrote on Seth’s Blog an article about "The problem with cable news thinking".  I am pleased that he doesn’t single out one side or the other in his commentary, as all political persuasions seem to be guilty of it. It should come as no shock to you that…

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Fasting and …?

 2When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn. (Proverbs 29:2, King James Version) I would certainly hope that 25 April is not just a fast for “regular” UCG members.  Not that it has to become an official fast day, but…

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The Apostle

Well! There he goes again! It seems that he goes on and on about the same old subjects, doesn’t he? In fact, the older he gets, the more he seems to get stuck in a rut! It is obvious his health wasn’t what it was once. His eyesight in particular…

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