Some Important Resignations Today

Dr Ralph Levy, effective 14 January 2011.

Harold Rhodes, festival coordinator and pastor in Florida.


  1. Dr. Levy gave the "Happy New Year" video commentary on 12/31/09.

    Harold Rhodes is quite surprising to me, considering he was so sick for most of 2010 that he almost died. My Pastor noted a few times that his illness was likely to increase the health insurance premiums for all UCG ministers.

    Victor Kubik's Twitter feed reveals he visited Mr. Rhodes at his home near Gulf Breeze in early December. I gave them the benefit of the doubt, and presumed it was a "courtesy call" as Mr. Rhodes prepared to return to preaching. But now…. hmmmm….

  2. Looks like Victor Kubik has started a UCG version of the "Good News Grapevine" — for those who remember the chain of WCG supporters which developed on the emerging Internet in the mid-90's.