Looking To Father

I recently heard a sermon that apparently was given around Father’s Day. I have to tell you that, while there were some good points brought up, overall the sermon seemed a little self-serving. Hopefully, I can avoid sounding that way, as I myself am a father.

Fatherhood is important. Dr James Dobson has often observed the benefits of Godly leadership in the home by fathers. There also are serious detriments where fathers are absent, whether physically or emotionally. Laura Schlessinger, better known as “Dr Laura”, also has on numerous occasions pointed out that the man is supposed to be a leader, both physical and spiritual, in the home.

Some of these things are pointed out in the Congressional Record on page H3814, as well as a story that has all the markings of urban legend:

A few years ago, a greeting card company offered free cards to inmates from a prison to send to mothers on Mother’s Day. Nearly all the prisoners took the offer and sent cards to their mothers. So the greeting card company was somewhat encouraged by the success and they decided that they would then make the same offer when Father’s Day came around. They offered free cards to send to fathers on Father’s Day, and they had zero takers. There was no one in that prison who wanted to send a card to his father on Father’s Day, which is a real indictment, I think, of the situation in regard to fatherlessness of those who end up in prison.

I don’t know if it is true or not. However, studies and some well-known figures are speaking out about the impact of fathers and/or the lack of fathers upon our youth today. Women have been told in the past that they “don’t need a man”, and it has been our children who have paid the price.

Statistically, the story doesn’t seem likely. Yet, it apparently was convincing enough for Rep. Osborne to quote it. Mike Huckabee has also used this story. It has apparently been traced to a book by Larry Elder. What his source was, I do not know.

Maybe it’s just believable because of the supporting evidence. Or, maybe we really deep down understand that it really is the natural order of things to have two parents: one male and one female.

Jesus understood the importance of fatherhood. He called God “My Father” and “Our Father”.

You know, the Church of God is often criticized for not talking about Jesus enough. It is partly an overreaction towards some Protestant groups’ obsession with Jesus while completely ignoring the Father. It is partly a valid criticism. After all, there is no other name under heaven which can save us!

Yet, what of Jesus? He Himself constantly pointed us to the Father. He came to reveal the Father. He stated He Himself could do nothing (nothing! God in the flesh could do nothing!) without the Father. It appears in His long prayer towards the end of John’s account that one of the things that saw Him through the crucifixion was that He would return to be with the Father.

So, I wish all dads out there a Happy Father’s Day. Don’t forget about your own father, of course. Most of all, be sure to thank Our Father for His wonderful blessings.

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