Reflections: Struggling To See God’s Will

I’ve had some opportunity to do some thinking today.  Sometimes, things are clear, cut and dried.  “Thou shalt not” leaves very little wiggle room.  Yet, it really is difficult at times to see what God’s will is, isn’t it?

Am I on the right spiritual track?  Am I on the right career track?  How does this particular trial reflect God’s will or give glory to God?

If I struggle continually on what God’s will is in my life, then how can I not sympathize with others that struggle to see God’s will?  How can I not sympathize with groups of people that struggle to see God’s will?  And, what if two opposing groups of people with different opinions are struggling to see God’s will?

How can this happen?  How can someone being led by God’s Holy Spirit go off in the wrong direction?

Hmmm, when I hear questions like that, I go to scratch my head.  Has the person asking it never made a wrong choice?  Have they never thought they were doing God’s will, but things didn’t work out anyhow?

In times of stress, we need facts, not emotions.  We need prayers, not accusations.  We need fasting, not feeding upon the flesh of another.

If the facts come out, and if they support a particular action, then let it be pursued.  If God intervenes in a spectacular way, let’s be sure we are prepared to accept His decision (cf Nu 16).

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