Online Community

Some wonder about the popularity of sites like Facebook, but one of the largest reasons people go online is to socialize.

According to rfintentindex, 92% of people go online to “connect”, and 72% do so in order to “be part of a community”.

What is neat about the index is that it is dynamic. As more data is gathered, so will these percentages.

I also notice that 79% of people go online in order to “keep informed”. Strikingly, only 33% go online to buy something, and even fewer go online to “compare”. I find this striking, as a huge part of any substantial purchase for me is to compare features and prices (it isn’t clear if “compare” is one or the other or both in this case).

Hmmm. 79% want to keep informed and 72% want to be part of a community. I certainly hope this blog fits both categories.

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