Legacy Institute Expanding Its Reach

It’s nice to be able to round out the week with some good news.

Leon Sexton, head of Legacy Institute in Chiang Mai, Thailand, sent out a video message that arrived this morning.  This is the first that I recall them sending a video, as it is usually a PDF newsletter.

Sexton started out describing how near he came to death 3 times recently when he had his stroke.  “But, here I am.  God had other ideas.  God has other ideas – for me and for you.  There’s a lot of work to be done.  And, There’s still a lot of work for me to help preach the Gospel here in this part of the world – in Asia,” he said.

Sexton announced some new developments.

Legacy is going to write an Asian oriented Bible Study course to be translated into Burmese and Thai.  This is an interesting shift because traditionally, Legacy students have normally been composed of Burmese refugees, especially those of the Karen tribe.  However, as he explains, “We have more and more young people from the hill country of Thailand coming to Legacy and becoming interested in the Gospel message, and their language is Thai – they can read and speak [the] Thai language.”

Another development is that Legacy is going to open an office in Rangoon (aka, Yangon), Myanmar so they can mail tapes from there and have a point of contact in that country for those who have questions.

As usual, I am impressed by the humility Sexton displays in his discourses.

Anyway, God is doing a work here.  It’s a fantastic work, an exciting work.  We are honored to be a part of it – just so honored to be a part of this work, and we appreciate all of the help that all of you give us. Because, you too – you too are a part of this work.  A very important part of this work.  And so, we are in this together.

Preaching the Gospel anywhere is never easy.  However, I believe Southeast Asia has some special challenges that make it very unique from the Western world.  Please pray that more in that area are called now in order to assist with the harvest now and in the future.

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