Reflections: Being Like a Little Child

Many of us probably witnessed or took part in the Blessing of the Little Children yesterday.  Some groups do it at the Feast, as WCG did in its earlier days.  As WCG grew, though, it became prohibitive to do all the children at one site, and by that time, many had local congregations where it could be done anyhow.

In Mark’s account, Mk 10, Jesus blessed the little children right after the Pharisees asked Him about divorce.  Jesus pointed out that it was because of the “hardness of your heart” Moses allowed divorce (v 5).

In Matthew’s account, Mt 19, it echoes the hardness of heart theme.

Is there any doubt we are talking about humility here?

In Luke’s account, Lk 18, Jesus blessed the little children right after the parable of the Prayers of the Pharisee and the Publican.  It was pointed right after “those who trusted in themselves and despised others” (v 9).

Interesting.  Have any COG groups exhibited this tendency?  Towards other COG groups even?

More to the point, what do I need to do today to be more like a little child?

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