John Yettaw Returns After Release From Myanmar Jail

Today, the AP reported “US man returns after release from Myanmar jail”.  However, Aung San Suu Kyi and her 2 aides remain in detention.  The military junta in charge of Myanmar has used the incident as an excuse to keep them detained through the next elections.

Of course, the debate on exactly what message this sends to the international community is already underway.  In the previous AP article “Myanmar release of US man could thaw relations” posted 16 August:

Aung Din of the U.S. Campaign for Burma, a Washington-based pro-democracy group, said Yettaw’s release was a gift to Webb from Than Shwe for opposing sanctions, and promoting engagement and increased U.S. business activities there.

"This will surely make a negative impression among the people of Burma," he wrote in an e-mail "They will think that Americans are easy to satisfy with the dictators when they get their citizens back."

Furthermore, the Bangkok Post in “Convicted American to leave Burma” reported on 15 Aug:

Burma advocacy groups had earlier warned that the junta could use Webb’s visit to "endorse” its treatment of Aung San Suu Kyi and the more than 2,100 other political prisoners in the country’s jails.

It is unlikely that Myanmar is truly looking for peace.  Just last month, the Telegraph reported “US warns of Burma nuclear link with North Korea”.

Look for further weakening of America’s image throughout the world as we continue to be placed into impossible to win scenarios as God continues to withdraw His protective hand from our nation.

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