Barack Obama Meets Pope and Promises to Limit Abortions

There have been several news articles about various heads of state visiting the Pope earlier in the month. I’m surprised I haven’t seen more Church of God blogs and commentaries say something about this.

Isn’t it interesting that in spite of the lesser popularity of the current Pope in contrast to the last one, that heads of state are still lining up to chat with him? Even the various first ladies of the heads of state met with the Pope. Why is it that the entire world seems eager to get acknowledgement, if not outright blessing, from the Vatican? Many of these leaders head up countries that are downright secular in almost every aspect their citizens’ lives, yet they seek out a known religious leader during their various meetings.

Of course, there are plenty of things on the prophetic plate, so maybe there just isn’t enough time to report on it all.

Once the G8 summit was concluded, President Barack Obama also met with the Pope. In that meeting, “Barack Obama tells Pope he will try to limit abortions in US”.


If there’s nothing dangerous about abortion, if it truly is “safe”, then why limit it?

If it truly is a measure of “last resort”, then all other means have been first exhausted, so how could you possibly limit it?

If there’s nothing morally wrong with abortion, then why limit it?

If abortion actually needs to be limited, then why should the government pay for it?

If abortion actually needs to be limited, then why call for “universal access” to it at a UN meeting to push it upon nations that may not even agree with such a stance?

If abortion actually needs to be limited, why send $50 million US to the United Nations Population Fund during a recession so that forced abortions can continue in China?

Maybe it is all so we can condemn ourselves further in our hypocrisy as a nation and the Beast and the Great Whore can justly punish us for our national sins.


  1. How many ministers noticed the Presidential-Papal pow-wow and thought of the verse: "Even now there are many antichrists"?

    Not accusin'. Just sayin'.

  2. How many ministers noticed the Presidential-Papal pow-wow and thought of the verse: "Even now there are many antichrists"?

    Not accusin'. Just sayin'.

  3. How many ministers noticed the Presidential-Papal pow-wow and thought of the verse: "Even now there are many antichrists"?

    Not accusin'. Just sayin'.

  4. John D Carmack

    I honestly hadn't thought of that! Thanks for sharing that.

  5. John D Carmack

    I honestly hadn't thought of that! Thanks for sharing that.

  6. John D Carmack

    I honestly hadn't thought of that! Thanks for sharing that.