News Roundup: Holidays, God Breaks Your Bones, More on Offenses, and More Meanderings

  Roundup of tidbits related to recent postings and/or of interest within the COG community Holidays and Holy Days Are Upon Us The past year, I’ve attempted to get out of the habit of regurgitating the same old things when it comes to holidays and holy days (unlike some other…

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News and Bits: Update on Legacy’s Board Member, Does Anyone Care About History?, and Nelson Mandela

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt delivers “Day of Infamy” speech, 8 Dec 1941 COG Update I received an email that Herb Vierra, one of the board members of Legacy Foundation in Thailand (that oversees Legacy Institute, the school) has been released from the hospital.  He was admitted with a bad case…

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With a Prophet, Prophet Here and a Prophet, Prophet There … Everywhere a Prophet-Prophet

Dr Robert Thiel, aka “COGWriter”, wrote a truism on his blog, Church of God News recently wrote in relation to false prophet Ronald Weinland: Because of false prophets, people seem less willing to believe the true predictions of God’s word as explained by His servants.  But whether people believe the…

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Bits and Pieces

It’s been a while since I did a roundup article of smaller current events items.  Here are some items from various places that might be of interest. Crop Circles Made by Stoner Wallabies In one of the stranger articles I’ve come across recently, the Telegraph reported on 26 June 2009…

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