Turns Out, Bill Nye Isn’t Even a Good Scientist

Bill Nye is not only biased, but he shows he is a true ideologue rather than a scientist Bill Nye, Bridgewater State College, 2007 Image derived from photo by Hs4g, used under CCA-SA license 18 For God’s wrath is revealed from heaven against all godlessness and unrighteousness of people who…

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Thoughts on Creation Vs Evolution Debate, 4 February 2014

  The Creation Museum in Petersburg, KY Public domain photo by Anthony5429 Well, indeed it is snowing outside, and indeed I watched the debate tonight.  My reaction?  I would give them both a B+.  They both had pretty good arguments and both could back up their claims with various facts,…

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Bill Nye Vs Ken Ham in Evolution Vs Creationism Debate, 4 February 2014

Tomorrow evening at 7:00 pm (19:00) EST, the Creation Museum of Cincinnati, Ohio will host a debate between Bill Nye “the Science Guy” and Ken Ham, founder of Answers in Genesis.  It can be watched live online at that and various other web addresses.  Obviously, these are diametrically opposed views…

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