Did Jesus Mean What He Said? What About Good Friday and Easter Sunday?

“Kennicott Bible, folio 305r – Jonah being swallowed by the fish.”

Did Jesus, the Son of the living God, tell the truth?  That may sound like a silly question, but I’m being serious!  Did He mean what He said, or are we going to believe something else entirely?  That is the real question behind Life Hope & Truth’s article “Sign of Jonah: Did Jesus Die on Good Friday? Was He Resurrected Easter Sunday?

The religious leaders of Jesus’ day had seen Him workmiracles but still didn’t believe He was the Messiah (Matthew 12:23, 38). In fact, the Pharisees plotted “how they might destroy Him” (verse 14) and accused Him of working for Satan (verse 24)!

I would like to add to that perspective.  The Pharisees simply did not believe Jesus.  If we do not either, then we are no better than the ones who crucified Him.

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