Frank McCrady In Car Accident

Posted on the COGWA UWS Facebook page yesterday:

Mr. Frank McCrady was in a car accident on his way to Longview today around 4 PM. He got out to check on the other vehicle and became weak. After finding out that the other person involved was fine, he slumped to the ground. He was then taken to Longview Regional. No diagnosis has been made. Your prayers would be greatly appreciated.



  1. An email has gone out to the members from David Evans, an elder in COGWA:


    I just received the following from Charlene McCrady, wife of retired pastor, Frank McCrady, Sr.

    “Frank had an accident and a massive stroke yesterday afternoon. He is now in ICU at Longview Regional Hospital. I am there most of the time, and don’t know the outcome of all this. He is alert but has a slurry speech due to the left side paralysis. I will contact you with more information in the future. Please keep Frank in your prayers.”

    No doubt she would appreciate our prayers for her as well. We’ll provide updates as we received them.

    Warm regards,

    Dave Evans