COGWA Posts Fundamental Beliefs on Church of God, a Worldwide Association Website

The Church of God, a Worldwide Association (COGWA) has posted the "Church of God, a Worldwide Association Fundamental Beliefs" on their website.  Like most churches, the posted beliefs “do not constitute the entire body of beliefs of the Church but do represent its fundamental or foundational beliefs”, and thus should be taken as a synopsis of beliefs until weightier materials can be published.

Just as a point of reference, the writer of Hebrews, usually attributed to as Paul, also wrote about some “fundamental”, “basic” or “elementary” doctrines:

 1 Therefore, leaving the discussion of the elementary principles of Christ, let us go on to perfection, not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God, 2 of the doctrine of baptisms, of laying on of hands, of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment. (Hebrews 6:1-2, New King James Version)

So, just glancing through the COGWA Fundamental Beliefs, we see repentance is #9, faith is scattered throughout the document but spelled out best in #9, baptism is #10, the laying on of hands is included in #9, #4 is about resurrection (although the word is not there) and #20 specifically mentions three resurrections, including the one for eternal judgment.

Well, in spite of what some have been claiming for some time, I don’t see any specific form of government on either of those lists.



    Since our authority is the Bible, it really doesn't matter if government appears on a church's list of fundamental beliefs or not.

    By the way, the comments for the "What Does It Take to Be Saved" post seems to be closed just for that one post. I was curious why. You are usually pretty good about accepting comments expressing a variety of viewpoints. It seems a bit odd not to accept comments since you ask a lot of questions in the post. Don't you want answers?

  2. John D Carmack

    author wrote: "Don't you want answers?"

    The answers were already given — from the Bible. It's time for the Church to repent and get back to basics.

  3. makes a good point.

    The Bible is authority for everything, is it not, why do we need your Blog? However, if the intent is to share differing takes on something or pose questions in light of differing circumstances it should be open to do so.

    I think it is a bit redundant, when I see scriptures quoted galore on blogs or Facebook, without context as to the point the person is trying to make. Refer to the scripture, say go read it, and be done with it, if that is your goal.

    Also, I would like to ask, what makes you the bastion of spiritual authority, that any of us should be so keen to accept without question?

  4. marcuslb wrote: “The Bible is authority for everything, is it not, why do we need your Blog?”

    I’ve asked myself that time to time, and it has become obvious over time that God saw a need for it to exist — a need that I had no way of knowing existed at the time.

    There are certain topics that have already been hashed over, especially in the past two years. This coming Passover, you either get it, or you don’t. You have either examined yourself, or you have not.

    “Also, I would like to ask, what makes you the bastion of spiritual authority, that any of us should be so keen to accept without question?”

    Do you even understand what Passover is about?