You Are All Important, So Safe Travels; Known Webcasts

Many of you have already started your travels to the Feast of Tabernacles.  Some of you are still packing, getting ready to leave.  I wish all of you safe travels, and I pray you have a physical, emotional and spiritually uplifting Feast.

We are nothing in and of ourselves, yet God has called us to be His sons and daughters.  That makes us important and precious in His sight.  Therefore, take care on the road, at the airport, at the bus station or on the boat, as the case may be.

If you cannot travel this year for whatever reason, I have queued up articles to keep you focused (I hope).  If the articles are too lame for you or if you just need more, then check out the various live webcasts going on during the Feast.

Somehow, I seem to always be disappointed at just how few are doing any real webcasting.  If they are, I’m having trouble finding them.  The only ones I have been able to find:

UCG Feast of Tabernacles site has a box you click on to choose the location of the webcast you wish to view.

The Church of God in Miami (which seem to be somehow related to CGI, but I’m not sure)

If there are any more, please give the URL (web address) in the comment.

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