Bowing to the Pope, Part 1: The Trinity

A Pretty Unbiased Look at Nontrinitarianism

It appears that the AllExperts website now has an entry on Nontrinitarianism.  It mentions history, paganism, Mormonism and even the “Sabbatarian Church of God” movement.  It is an excellent effort at remaining objective, taking into account the various flavors of nontrinitarianism.

There is even this acknowledgement in the article:

Although most nontrinitarians identify themselves as Christian, many trinitarians disagree. Their counter-claim is that the doctrine of the Trinity is so central to the Christian faith that to deny it is to embrace a “different gospel” and to set onesself against the Church’s account of its own history and identity, inasmuch as the gospel concerns who Jesus Christ is and what he did.

Of course, the above only proves that many that claim to be Christian are actually adding onto the requirements to become saved by insisting upon an un-Biblical definition of “Christian”.  It also proves that trinitarianism only confounds the real Gospel that Jesus Himself gave.

A COG Look at Trinitarianism

Also on 30 May 2010, COGWriter, Dr Robert Thiel, wrote an article on “WCG and the Origin of the Trinity“.  Not only does he emphasize the pagan origins of the doctrine, but he also quotes The Catholic Encyclopedia in that “The Trinity is the term employed to signify the central doctrine of the Christian religion” (emphasis mine).

Bowing to the Catholics

This further proves my contention that the Protestant movement never really did break away from Catholicism and that Rome has the correct view that all of the Protestant churches are really “daughter” churches.  Whenever Evangelical and other Protestant churches insist upon un-Biblical doctrines like the trinity, they really are enforcing beliefs of the Catholic church.

Similar to this is their tradition of weekly Sunday worship, something that is never condoned in the Bible.  In fact, the Bible is quite clear that the seventh day is the correct day of worship.

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