Podcasts and Such

I’m such a geek, as if you didn’t know.

The nice thing about wiping out your hard drive and staring over is that you can set it back up the way you want it (after you’ve learned the hard way all the ways you don’t want it, that is) from the get-go.  However, the neat thing about it is that you can try out other ways of doing things just because they sound more attractive than what you were doing before.

Take podcasts.  Take mp3 players.  OK, I used to have a Zune.  It was actually a nice device, but then Microsoft decided to “improve” upon it.  It actually began to be more a frustration than it was worth.  So, I ended up back on iTunes, listening on my laptop.  Granted, the laptop is more portable than my desktop, but still …

Well, I was re-installing Winamp so I could properly tag some MP3 files to make CDs and also put some of them on the web.  I had totally forgotten about Winamp Remote, aka Orb.  There were 3 things I didn’t like about it the first time I looked at it, and it seems 2 of those are fixed.  So, I gave it a whirl, and it is way cool!  I’m going to run it through a few paces and blog about it on my technology blog (shameless plug for John D’s Computer & Network Services).

So, now I’m re-subscribing to podcasts, and … wait a minute … how many COGs even have podcasts?

Let’s see … it took about 3 seconds to come up with a few hits for UCG, although I would argue the ones that came out first aren’t the most relevant pages.  However, it took at least 4 tries and 10 minutes to find even one for LCG.  I guess that shouldn’t be surprising since Robert Thiel insists that the Internet just isn’t all that relevant.  At first, I couldn’t find any for PCG, but then a hint in the searches led me to typing in “key of david podcast”, and I thought I hit jackpot, but the links either led to generic results or nowhere.  It was only through iTunes that I could actually find the podcast.  So, I curiously tried “tomorrows world podcast”, and I got a lot more hits that way.

What does this mean?  It means all 3 of the major COGs could put a little more work into it if they want to be found in the mass of confusion known as the Internet.

There also is a site called COG Sermons, but all of them are dated 2008 or before, even though the actual posting date is fairly recent.  For example, you can find some Ron Dart sermons from 1982 supposedly posted a couple of days ago!

So, here are the ones I had time to look up:

UCG has a few, but there is one that has the sermons, Beyond Today TV programs (audio) and Good News Online Radio Programs, but it doesn’t seem to be well publicized.  It is http://feeds.feedburner.com/United-Church-Of-God.  Unfortunately, it also seems to have some text muddled in with it, so you may or may not want to go that route, but Winamp Remote handled it quite well!

The only LCG one I could find not on iTunes was  http://feeds2.feedburner.com/LivingChurchOfGod-Sermons

Key of David only seems to be on iTunes.

So, who else has one?

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