Flurry Biography? What’s PCG Up To?

I’ve seen a flurry of articles lately, if you’ll pardon the pun, about Gerald Flurry.  They usually come in Google alerts as “Gerald Flurry Biography” or simply “Philadelphia Church of God”.  They all seem to be the same article, practically if not literally word for word, written by Amy E Nutt.  Copyscape finds 5 almost exact articles, one of which is on Ezine.

There is an Amy E Nutt listed on SEO Marketing Articles, and Nutt has also published some articles on Ezine about websites.  The possibility that they might be one and the same is hard to ignore.  There seem to be quite a few other websites with this pen name as well, so it is obvious that there is at least one Amy E Nutt who is a professional web writer, and that may include SEO marketing articles.

Which all leads up to one question:  What is PCG up to?  Could it be that negative Internet publicity has finally gotten to the point that they can no longer ignore it?  Have they broken down and employed an SEO writer to produce favorable articles to combat the negative one?

If that is true, then it is a rather odd change of direction for an organization who in the past would have viewed it as “persecution” and held it up as a badge of honor.


  1. I was surprised a few weeks ago to check articles at The Trumpet's web site, and see PCG allowed readers to leave "instant comments" on them.

    PCG clearly chose supportive comments for the main page of the articles, but you could read all of them (pro and con) with a click on a link.

    For a WCG spinoff group, this struck me as downright glasnost. But as I double-checked the site while writing this comment, the comment boxes were gone. Perhaps I hoped for too much?!

  2. I was surprised a few weeks ago to check articles at The Trumpet's web site, and see PCG allowed readers to leave "instant comments" on them.

    PCG clearly chose supportive comments for the main page of the articles, but you could read all of them (pro and con) with a click on a link.

    For a WCG spinoff group, this struck me as downright glasnost. But as I double-checked the site while writing this comment, the comment boxes were gone. Perhaps I hoped for too much?!