Suggestions for Article

I want to compare Elijah, John the Baptist and Herbert W Armstrong.  Let’s see how this thing copies and pastes into Blogger.  Here is what I have so far:

  Elijah John the Baptist HWA
Miracles Shut up rain for 3-1/2 yrs, was fed by ravens, was fed by a widow whose flour and oil did not give out, caused fire to come down from heaven on 3 occasions No recorded miracles Angel took control of car wheel, angel’s voice warned Mrs Armstrong to move child
Mission Fight worship of Ba’al of Sidon (probably Cid or Melkart) Prepare the way for Messiah To preach the Gospel
Appearance in visions Depicted as coming before the Day of the Lord; in transfiguration on the mountain in time of Jesus N/A N/A
Birthplace Gilead Possibly Bethlehem U.S.
Clothing Coat of camel hair, leather belt, long hair (Nazarite?) Camel hair, leather belt, long hair (Nazarite) Business suits, leather belt, short hair and glasses
End of ministry Chariot of fire whisked away Beheaded Natural death
Succeeded by Elisha Jesus Christ Joseph Tkach
Preached to Israel Everyone in Judea Everyone worldwide

Any suggested additions?


  1. John D Carmack

    Difficult to read.

    Perhaps this should be a spreadsheet accessible on the web. 🙂

  2. John D Carmack

    Difficult to read.

    Perhaps this should be a spreadsheet accessible on the web. 🙂

  3. John D Carmack

    Difficult to read.

    Perhaps this should be a spreadsheet accessible on the web. 🙂