Wacky Weather

ABC News has recently posted 2 videos describing changing weather patterns.

One posted 1 June describes a “’Big Worry’ for Hurricane Season”.  While there is an average number of hurricanes expected this season, hurricanes are popping up much closer to the shoreline.  This gives little warning when they develop, so it means less time to prepare.

The other video posted 16 June asks, “Odd Weather: Where Did Summer Go?”  An unusual front is causing tornadoes and hail in parts of the country, while others are unseasonable cool and wet.

The first video asks if this is a sign of things to come.  Perhaps.  What did God promise ancient Israel?

If ye walk in my statutes, and keep my commandments, and do them;

Then I will give you rain in due season, and the land shall yield her increase, and the trees of the field shall yield their fruit.

~ Lev 26:3-4

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