Fix Bad Design

Blogger has some neat customizations, but out of the box it is somewhat clunky. I really want to change the template of the blog to move to a 3 column type of format, sort of what you get with many WordPress templates from the get-go.

If there is a widget or piece of functionality you would like to see, please leave a comment (or at least an email). Likewise, if there is something you hate, let me know that as well. 🙂

I’m actually already looking at a couple of possible designs, but I haven’t made up my mind yet. I know I do not want white on black background. I like these because they catch the eye without blinding you:

Bricked Wall seems to fit in fine with “church stuff” but without the usual baggage.

I have to admit I’m pretty fond of Sunset. It has a nice Sabbath-type of feel to it. It also has a “Read more…” function, which I hope means it is built into the template without coding. One thing that bugs me about Blogger is that you have to add HTML to your posts to create this!

SkyBlue also has a “Read more…” functionality advertized. Blue is one of my favorite colors, and the image suggests majesty. Since we are blogging about our Great Creator, this seems to be a good fit as well.

Some almost but not quites:

Salji Fuji has nice colors and even a nice header pic, but I don’t like the blog posts being all the way to the left.

Totally Lost is nice and tranquil, but I would probably take too long tinkering with the colors. It also has the posts all the way to the left, though.

OK, your turn. Thanks.

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