Twists and Turns

It’s interesting sometimes how the news will have similar subjects that go in different directions.

Justice For All


MSNBC reported on 26 March that “Hundreds of Pa. juvenile convictions reversed“. Judges Mark Ciavarella and Michael Conahan were found to have taken $2.6 million in kickbacks in return for putting juvenile offenders in privately owned lockups. One juvenile was put into 48 days of lockup for “assault” with a piece of steak he threw at his mother’s boyfriend.


Do you remember the sex offenders that were found living under the bridge in Miami? Do you remember the promises to put them somewhere else? Well, the community is not only still there, but it has grown, according to MSNBC article “Miami sex offenders still living under bridge“.

“They throw us under here and just hope that we can do something ourselves,” said 47-year-old Wiese, standing in the doorway to a small shack made of collected wood scraps. “If I was a murderer, they would help me, they would find me a home, they would find me a job.”

Let me see, Biblical stoning is “barbaric” because it doles out a punishment once and for all, but it is more humane to punish people in jail and then “free” them from prison so they can be branded to never find a decent place to live nor have a meaningful occupation that can contribute to society. Yeah, makes a lot of sense to me. Not.

Recession Everywhere


Good news! MSNBC reports “Financial experts see recession ending this year“.


Thank God that it isn’t any worse than it is. From the There’s Always Someone Worse Off Than You Department, MSNBC also reports, “Bosnia’s jobless rate at 43 percent and rising“. Yikes!

Bad Pictures


In an interesting legal maneuver, “The American Civil Liberties Union sued Wednesday to block Wyoming County District Attorney George Skumanick Jr. from filing charges,” MSNBC reports in “Teens sue prosecutor over racy cell-phone pics“. What does it say about our morality that we would even be in this situation to begin with?


Pat Oliphant has sparked another controversy in a political cartoon depicting “a goose-stepping uniformed figure wheeling the Jewish symbol as it menaces [with fangs] a small female figure labeled ‘Gaza'” according to MSNBC report “Jewish group denounces Gaza political cartoon“. The Simon Wiesenthal Center has compared the cartoon to Nazi imagery and takes great offense at it.

What? No rioting in the streets over a political cartoon? What’s up with that?

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