Are We People of Truth?: Part 1, Email/Facebook/G+ Gossip, Slander and Conspiracy Theories

Spreading lies in the Church of God. Is this the face of truth? Alex Jones, conspiracy theorist Obviously, there is a big concern out there and people are starting to panic over Ebola because the government has acted so ineptly. And it’s left the border open, let the flights come…

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Distortions Are the Enemies of Truth

Politicians’ creed: When in doubt, make race the issue photo credit: Sky Noir via photopin cc Facts are the enemy of truth. ~ Don Quixote We live in a strange world where many people seem to believe that we all create our own reality.  Politicians speak from ideologies and biases intended…

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Russia Today “Whitewashes the Actions of Putin” According to Anchor Who Quit on the Air

RT anchor Liz Wahl, 2012 Photo by RT America, used under CCA-Unported The bias of the news media is evident in so many ways these days, but we need to not forget that there are dedicated propaganda machines like Russia Today that some people, for whatever reason, take quite seriously.  One…

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Itching Ears, Barilla Hates Gays, Political Parties Have Never Created Economic Chaos and Other Lies the Media, Science and Education Tell You

Propaganda from “The Cruel Practices of Prince Rupert”, 1643 I cannot remember a time when one faction of one party promises economic chaos if it can’t get 100% of what it wants. That’s never happened before but that’s what’s happening right now. ~ President Barak Obama, 16 September 2013 An…

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Greatest Story Never Told, and Lies My Mom Emailed Me

The Gutenberg Bible on display One of the messages I’ve listened to lately mentioned “the greatest story never told”.  Of course, this is a play on words from The Greatest Story Ever Told, which ostensibly is about the Gospel.  The problem, of course, is that the traditional version of “the…

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